Fartashphoto's Blog

Twitter is Internet’s Soul

Posted in Uncategorized by fartashphoto on June 15, 2010

There were 32,200,000 Internet users as of Dec/09/09 and I’m sure they’ve grown over this critical year because people more are getting Internet serious and use it to communicate and get the real news not what only State Television wants . The Internet users are almost 50% population in Iran then “Internet users are minority in Iran”, is Wrong.
Those who want to underestimate the role of Internet in Iran before and after election, they’re misleading people, we do believe there is no Iran’s twitter Revolution, but Twitter is the Revolution by itself and Yes, Iranians like Venezuelans used Twitter for communication, reading news and find out about protests. There are lots of other usages for Twitter if you’re a little bit creative and learn more about Twitter before whining about it.
You can read my previous Article “Outstanding usages of Twitter” also.
What we believe is that Twitter is the heart bit of Internet and if you ask me what about before Twitter, Internet never had any heart bit ? Our answer is No, in the other word, we believe Twitter is Internet’s Soul which is more awake and dynamic than anytime helping peaceful people all around the world . That’s why dictators hates Twitter.
On March 2010, Twitter has recorded a 1,500 per cent growth in the number of registered users, the number of its employees has grown 500 percent, while over 70,000 registered apps have been created for the microblogging platform, according to the first email newsletter on the company’s progress by the website’s co-founder Biz Stone.
By the end of 2007, about 500,000 tweets per quarter were posted. By the end of 2008, 100 million tweets per quarter were posted. By the end of 2009, 2 billion tweets per quarter were posted. In the first quarter of 2010, 4 billion tweets per quarter were posted.

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